
Automatic photographic studio with very high details level

Réf : G407000


The LumizyWatch is the fruit of an advanced design process, bringing together the trades of photography, computer science, automation and design to satisfy the stringent requirements of the world of luxury.


Its development was focused on simplicity of use and picture quality as the main criteria in our specifications.


The image size is 5K, i.e. 5120 x 2880 pixels


The LumizyWatch enables you to take various pictures of the watch, from all angles. Not a single mm² is left out.


All that without any training, and in less than 2 minutes.


The novelty of the software lies in its ability to control the machine via the Internet, whether the operator is at the machine or thousand of miles away.


The machine software is accessible from any tablet, PC, MAC or Linux device, without installation, via the Chrome browser. Ethernet network required.


On this version, the objects must not exceed 13.5 cm in diameter. (E.g. a pair of glasses).


Main application: creating an After-Sales dossier, for watches assigned to you for maintenance and repair, to identify them and retain proof of the condition they were in on the day of submission by the customer.



Any other development on request. 


Patent Pending.                                                              


Request a remote test!   





Technical specifications:

650x300 H.460 mm



115/230V 50/60Hz





Route de la Jaluse 5b, 

2400, LE LOCLE


Tel:  +41 32 926 19 46

